CrowDPLOS – Disabled pedestrian level of service extracted from crowdsourced images


Portée et limites de la la vision par ordinateur pour extraire des caractéristiques, à partir de photographies aériennes, susceptibles de permettre le calcule d’un score d’accessibilité ou niveau de service pour les piétons à mobilité réduite, tels que les personnes handicapées.



Disabled pedestrian, computer vision, machine learning.

Contexte et objectifs

The availability of global and scalable tools to assess disabled pedestrian level of service (DPLoS) is a real need, yet still a challenge in today’s world. This is due to the lack of tools that can ease the measurement of a level of service adapted to disabled people, and also to the limitation concerns about the availability of information regarding the existing level of service, especially in real time. This paper describes preliminary results to progress on those needs. It also includes a design for a navigation tool that can help a disabled person move around a city by suggesting the most adapted routes according to the person’s disabilities. The main topics are how to use advanced computer vision technologies, and how to benefit from the prevalence of handheld devices. Our approach intends to show how crowdsourcing techniques can improve data quality by gathering and combining up-to-date data with valuable field observations.


Le projet est financé par la Fondation Hasler :

Durée du mandat

Septembre 2017 – Octobre 2018

Collaborateurs impliqués